To set up a timeline view, create a custom grid view to your liking that includes start date and end date columns. Once saved, go to the Options (hamburger) menu in the top right of your view and select “Timeline | Calendar”:
In the setup modal, you’ll be able to select:
The Start and End date/time of a task or event
When to start showing records from: the current date or the earliest available record
Whether a filter needs to be applied to the details
Which view types you’d like to display
Which fields will summarize the event or task
Additional settings for the timeline view if selected
Conditional Formatting
You can choose to highlight an entire row or just a specific field. You can highlight by changing the color of the text or using a background color or both.
Using the condition builder, give TrackVia the criteria for coloring the cell or row. In the example above, if the Status of the task is “requested” and the Total is greater than 500, then the cell should be highlighted red.
If you have multiple rules for conditional formatting, you can set priority by re-arranging them with drag and drop. The rules will be executed in order from the top, i.e. #1 first, then #2, etc.:
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