Deprecating TLS 1.0 & 1.1
UPDATE June 14th, 2018:
We are pushing our cutover date to Tuesday, July 31, 2018, to give extra time for the upgrade.
As you may have read, TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are being deprecated across the industry. These older ciphers are no longer considered secure.
In the interest of staying current with the latest security updates and keeping TrackVia as secure as possible, we are also dropping support for these older ciphers.
As ofJune 30th, 2018, we will update TrackVia to discontinue support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1.
This update will not impact your TrackVia application. This update will impact which browsers and mobile operating systems you use to access TrackVia, as well as some of the libraries and frameworks you use to talk to our API.
In the interest of staying current with the latest security updates and keeping TrackVia as secure as possible, we are also dropping support for these older ciphers.
As of
This update will not impact your TrackVia application. This update will impact which browsers and mobile operating systems you use to access TrackVia, as well as some of the libraries and frameworks you use to talk to our API.
Updates to Mobile OS Support
Android support will bump up from Android 4.1+ to Android 4.4+iOS support will not change from iOS 9+.
Updates to Web Browser Support
We support current (and recent) versions of the following browsers:Firefox
IE 11
* with this update, we will no longer support Microsoft’s IE 10 browser.
If you are using Android 4.1 or IE 10 in your organization, we recommend updating to avoid a disruption in service.
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