What's New
Dashboard Tabs: Updated the code behind these tabs. We also changed "+New" to ">>" to indicate you have more dashboards than can fit on one row of tabs!
Rearranging Short Cut Buttons: You can now rearrange shortcut buttons on a dashboard! Simply click on the "pencil" edit button to change the order your buttons display in.
The ERD Properties side drawer will now save your preference when opened or closed.
Views, Forms & Filters submenus in the Admin bar will now show tables in alpha order, case-insensitive.
Enhanced look & feel for tooltips.
Changed bulk edit wording from "Edit / Delete All" to "Edit / Delete Selected" on grid views.
We removed the "IF" formula builder UI on Calculated and Triggered fields as we noticed nobody used it. We also improved the "Revert" functionality to revert your last change when editing a calc / triggered field.
What's Fixed
Fixed a bug where some users could not return to the default theme once it had been changed.
Resolved an issue where in the View builder, parent relational fields that are added to the 'Included Fields' section lose their proper [Table Name] when the view has been saved and displayed as if they are fields that came from the current table.
Resolved an issue whereby a "/" character in the Group By field of a Summary View prevents the "View All" from properly drilling down into data.
Put back the time picker that was missing from the show/hide condition builder.
Fixed an issue on the Theme editor where the "Save Changes?" modal was triggering on the My Account page regardless of any changes being made.
Fixed a bug on the Table Builder where editing field names causes the entire field name to blank out.
Improved the Form Builder alignment of elements.
Addressed an issue where 'Edit all' within a group that has '/' in the group name would not take you to the edit form but would instead take you to the home screen of your favorited app.
Improved LTP fields with infinite scroll in Quick Filters or Views.
Fixed a bug where a double scroll bar would cover data on pivot views in Chrome on Microsoft Windows.
Resolved an issue where Summary Views wouldn't display accurately when scrolling to left / right.
Addressed an issue in the Flow Builder where you couldn't delete a variable.
Fixed an issue in the Flow builder where changes to decision steps weren't honored.
Enhanced Pivot view to give appropriate warning messages when exceeding the maximum number of columns.
Resolved an issue where right clicking on resources of the Go To menu does not consistently give you the option to open the resource in a new tab.
Fixed an issue with Sandbox where, in some rare cases right-clicking to open a resource would result in user being taken to their Production account.
Addressed some rare instances of Forms not rendering correctly.
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