Thanks for the continued feedback! We’ve made some great improvements and fixed a number of issues in this release.
What's New
Firing App Scripts on Batch Edit of <= 1000 records
Previously, when bulk-editing records on a table which contains an application scripts, those scripts will not fire. We’ve made improvements to our code to now fire these scripts when you are bulk editing 1000 or fewer records!
Form section default background and text colors
When creating or editing a form, an admin can select colors for section backgrounds and text that will carry over the theme colors from the account.
Flows Settings Tray: The settings tray will now open automatically when you are editing a flow.
Improved Error message when user tries to delete apps with cross-app tables
When an admin attempts to delete an app which contains cross-app’d tables, the warning message will now include the other apps which contain those tables.
Batch Delete Warning for More than 1000 records selected
When batch-deleting more than 1000 records, the user will see a warning about potential problems but will still be able to proceed with deleting if desired.
What's Fixed
A user can now save changed position of entities in the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the application.
In the form builder, the dependent dropdown rules will now show all possible relationships.
Searching on a child view, then navigating to a parent record would continue to filter the children. This has been fixed so all children will correctly display on a parent.
The word "Dash" has been reinstated on the right-hand side in the result list of the GoTo search.
The Save and Switch buttons now work after a user opens and closes the ERD settings panel.
Fixed pivot table where duplicate relationship fields were not being discriminated and cell values represented a combined amount.
When exporting a view with greater than 100,000 records, a user will see a warning message and be prompted to filter the view for fewer records.
Cancel button on sandbox deletion is now visible.
The area to undo an action or revert an entry on a form field has been reduced to the immediate area of the word "Undo" instead of being the entire space below the field.
The Save and Switch buttons now work after a user opens and closes the Settings Panel on the Flow Builder.
Save As in the role builder now works as intended.
When a user copies a System ID, API Key or Auth Token, the tooltip "Copied!" will confirm the value has been copied.
Tables and relationship lines are no longer locked when a user changes the color of a relationship in the ERD.
There was a limit on the number of users available for display in the Role Builder which was affecting the display of active users. This limit has been removed.
Search results for a user on the Manage users page would carry over to the Sandbox login. This has been fixed.
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