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Assign multiple forms for a single table



  • Tiffanie Staver
    John McGarvey commented  ·   

    You may want to consider assigning a Form to the Views on a table - one form per View per Role.
    As long as the user accesses the record from a View that has that specified Form form assigned, the record will open with the form you want..

  • Tiffanie Staver
    Ben C commented  ·  

    It took me forever to figure out that this is why field guys didn't have access to forms on their dashboards. I created a series of "short version" forms for quickly creating records and put them all on one dashboard. I gave everyone permission, and then nobody had access to the longer forms on their individual dashboards.

  • Tiffanie Staver
    Matt Cox commented  ·  

    With Flows being able to do this becomes even more critical in making the step by step as simple as possible. Multiple forms means multiple sets of default values for different scenarios.


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