I'm looking for confimation in my understanding of Admin user permissions.
There are two (2) Admin permissions in the system: Super-Admin and Admin.
My understanding is:
Super Admin is the See Everything/Do Everything account level permissions that over-ride any application level permissions granted. This is set on the users account.
Application Admin gives all access (read/write/delete etc) for everything within in the specific application ONLY (not outside of this application). This permission is set within the Role the user is assigned to. Question: If the Super-Admin specifies the View for a table which does not show all records/fields, will the App Admin still be able to see them, or are they hidden?
John McGarvey shared this idea · Jul 15, 2014
1 comment
Hi John,
You are correct about the Super Admin permission. There are no restrictions to what they can do in the account.
The Admin permission in a Role in an app grants the user full permissions to that specific app. The Dashboards, Forms and Views are only assigned in an Admin Role for the purpose of setting the admin's preferences, or default dashboards and forms (add and edit) used in the app.
Dashboard examples:
- Assign the first dashboard an admin is taken to when they open app.
- Choose the order of the different dashboard links the admin will see across the top of the dashboard page.
Form examples:
- Assign the default form the app admin uses when adding a record to a table.
- Choose the form the users sees when opening a record from a specific view.
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