Audit History
Scenario |
Audit History Available? |
Details |
A record is added manually through a form |
Yes |
Initially, you’ll see all the field values entered, by whom, and when. |
Multiple records are added via import |
Yes |
You’ll see the same information as if the records were added through a form. |
A record is manually edited through a form |
Yes |
You’ll see when and who edited which fields including the old value and the new value for those fields. |
Multiple records are updated via import |
Yes |
You’ll see when and who edited which fields including the old value and the new value for those fields. |
Multiple records are edited via bulk update |
Yes |
You’ll see when and who edited which fields including the old value and the new value for those fields. |
A record is deleted |
View Level: Yes Form Level: No |
View Level: See who deleted the record and when. Form Level: You will no longer be able to access the form for that record, so audit data will not be available at a form level. |
Multiple records are deleted via bulk delete |
View Level: Yes Form Level: No |
View Level: See who deleted the records and when. Form Level: You will no longer be able to access the form for those records, so audit data will not be available at a form level. |
A table field is deleted |
No |
Because the field has been removed completely, you will not be able to see any previous audit history associated with that field. |
The Audit History of records can be accessed at either the Form Level for an individual record or at the View Level. See below for a description of how to access Audit History at each level.
From a view, you can navigate to the “Hamburger” menu and find an option called “History.”
From a form, navigate to the “Hamburger” menu and you’ll find “History” as an option at the bottom of the menu.
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