About TrackVia University
In addition to the detailed written articles found in this knowledge base, TrackVia University offers a hands-on learning experience through a series of on-demand video courses. If you're just getting started with TrackVia, we recommend checking out the Orientation course. More information about the course is listed below:
About this course
This course is designed to give new administrators, or anyone curious about building TrackVia applications, a high level overview of the platform. It answers all the initial questions someone might have as they learn about how TrackVia can be used to solve their unique business challenges. By the end of the course you’ll know enough about TrackVia to start playing around on your own.
Learning Objectives
- What is TrackVia?
- What can you do with TrackVia?
- What are the components of an app?
- What are examples of TrackVia applications?
- How is a TrackVia application constructed?
- How can someone get started building an app?
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