The Homepage For Your App
Each role in each app can have a dashboard assigned as a homepage, so that people will see only what they need to see when they log in. A role can still have multiple dashboards available but one is simply set as the home page to kick off the TrackVia experience. If a role has multiple dashboards assigned to it, the dashboard that is shown at the top of the list will be the dashboard that users in that role are brought to when using the app. In the example below, the "Project Manager" dashboard is at the top of the list of assigned dashboards for the Project Manager role and so it will be the dashboard that users in the role are brought to when they open the app.
To change the order of the dashboards, you can click+hold on the dashboard name and then drag it up or down to re-order the dashboards.
Dashboards are great for entering data through a custom form, reviewing the new and existing data in a gridview, and seeing charts update in real-time as data is entered.
Dashboards display data from multiple linked tables on a single screen to see end results across related records as information is added. When accessing a dashboard, the top views will load so you can immediately gain access to your data. For larger dashboards, additional views will load as you scroll down the screen.
Quickly create an easy-to-use workflow process by creating and assigning multiple dashboards to users through their roles. This allows you to organize forms and reports into separate pages for users to tab through and complete their daily processes. With individual dashboards for roles, your application can deliver exactly what your team needs to stay productive.
Blog Articles and Tips & Tricks
Dashboard Best Practices
Next up: How to Create a Dashboard
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