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Use location as a Table ID or pull address from location field and put into a separate field



  • Tiffanie Staver
    Justin Mauldin commented  ·  

    Hi Lucas,

    Thank you for reaching out to us with your question.

    What you are looking to do, unfortunately, is not possible in the TrackVia system. You are able to reference a Location Field in the formula of a Calculated Field, however, if the formula is just a direct reference to the Location Field, it will not output a coherent value or the address information you are looking for.

    Additionally, you can create an Application Script on a table with a Location Field on it that pastes the value of your Location Field into another Paragraph FIeld or Single Line Field, but it will only paste in the Latitude and Longitude values of the Location Field. It does not paste in the actual address values. (This is because the database only saves the Latitude and Longitude values in the backend.)

    You will need to manually paste the address into a Paragraph FIeld or Single Line Field and then set that field as your Record ID. Just let us know if you have any further questions on this.

    Thanks again,


  • Tiffanie Staver
    Lucas Ward commented  ·  


    Thank you for the reply. Is it possible using the python API to reverse geocode the Latitude and Longitude and then return the address to TrackVia?

    Thank you in advance for your help,

  • Tiffanie Staver
    Matt Cox commented  ·  

    being able to easily view an address would be much more user friendly than just coordinates.Only work around i've found requires entering the address in a paragraph field as well as the location field. This doesnt help when using the location of record creation though. would it really be that much trouble to add the address field as usable information?

  • Tiffanie Staver
    Matt commented  ·  

    Is there a way to do it in the reverse? Can I auto copy a typed in address field into the address portion of the location field?


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