I'm new to this platform, and starting a slow migration from the Classic version.
One question that I have is with the unique Record ID's.
ln the classic version, there is a system generated unique ID for each record (Record Locator), plus we have the option of using a second field for the purposes of importing files, linking from a child table, and used for calculated formulas.
I don't see this option in the Pro platform. I can only find a single Record ID.
As a User Case, there are times when we need a unique number when importing source data from other systems, but from an End-User perspective, this unique number may not mean anything. In those instances, I've used the secondary field field for Link-To-Parent lookups that display an actual text value.
Does this platform have the ability to have both: A unique identifier at the system level (Record Locator), but also a user created identifier.
John McGarvey shared this idea · Jul 10, 2014
Hi John,
This is a great question and a fundamental difference between our classic and new products. TrackVia Express/Pro do not have a system generated ID that is unique to each record. This is essentially replaced by the Record ID. When linking tables, it is this Record ID that you will use to identify each record in the parent table.
You will also use this Record ID to import data into your table (if doing an import to update). You will need to ensure that all fields that make up your Record ID are included in the file you are importing.
Hope this helps to clarify things a bit, let us know if you have any other questions.
Thanks Derrick,
This may exist, I just haven't made it far enough to create real LTP fields yet.
From an end-user perspective, if I'm creating a child record and linking to a parent table, does TV-Pro allow the display of other fields (more descriptive) in the lookup search box in additional to the parent table's Record ID?
If I am linking to my Employee table which has the Employee ID number as the unique Record ID (so we can import from HR data files), doing a parent lookup will be very difficult if all I am presented with is 25,000 ID numbers, but no names.
Will the lookup display the Record ID + Another specified field (like the name), if so configured?
Hi John,
The Record ID can be configured to include more than one field. This means that you can use the Employee ID and the Employee Name. As you stated, this is very beneficial when linking child records. However, if you would like to import to update using just the Employee ID and not the name, you will need to temporarily change the Record ID to exclude the name portion. After the upload is complete, you can change the Record ID back to include the Employee Name.
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