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Create a pie chart based on counts of values?


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  • Permanently deleted user
    DJ commented  ·    ·  

    Hi Tom,

    Great question! You can create a pie chart based on the count of values by first grouping by a field in your table other than the Record ID (you are only presented with the number fields as the Data if you do not change this first field).

    1. In the Pie Chart settings, in the drop-down list for 'Name (label)', choose the field that is storing the project type/group.
    2. Check the box labeled 'Group by this field' that appeared.
    3. Choose a field under 'Data (piece of pie)' (this could be the same field as step 1).
    4. In the drop-down menu next to the Data field where you see 'Summary function', choose one of the 'COUNT' options.

    These steps should allow you to create a pie chart that displays the percentage of projects in each group.



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