What's New
We're so excited to bring you a brand new way of analysing the data you have in TrackVia: Pivot Views!
A Pivot View is a versatile tool to help you summarize the information in a table by slicing and dicing data so you can look at it from different perspectives. It works by grouping records together based on several factors, then summarizing the data from those records, either by counting the number of records per group, or by using a specific summary function (like sum, average, or maximum) on another field. It's useful when you have lots of numbers that need summarizing, when you want to compare subsets of data, or when you’re trying to find trends in your data.
Our new functionality comes out of the gate with pivoting on multiple rows / columns, sorting pivot data, applying conditional formatting, and an easy to use designer. We think you'll love it, give it a try today!
How it works
Pivots are created by converting an existing grid view (default or custom) into a Pivot view. Simply hit the Options menu in the upper right and select Pivot from the menu. Our new Pivot designer slides out from the right and you can apply your desired settings:
Name your Pivot something unique, select some Rows, Columns and Values and Save your settings. Your new Pivot is displayed!
In the above example, I selected my Rows to be 'Inventory Items', my columns to be the 'Create' date, rolled up by Quarter and the Sum of the 'Cost Subtotal' as my summary function.
To apply conditional formatting, hit the Options menu again and add a Conditional Formatting Rule. I created a Pivot rule where the Cost Subtotal is less than $100.
Check out our knowledge base article to find out more details on how to configure your pivot, things you can do with it (export!) and more.
Coming soon to our GOV, HiPAA and Private environment customers.
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