API Signup
To use TrackVia’s API, you’ll need to log into TrackVia, create an API User, create an API Key from your "API Access" page, and create access tokens. This process is described in another article. Once you’ve enabled API Access, you can visit http://developer.trackvia.com for code samples and documentation. If you do not have access to the API Access page in your account, please contact TrackVia Support.
When you create an API Key, an email will be sent to your Account Authority (the person who set up your TrackVia account) with a login to our secure API reporting site. This admin area is where you can monitor and manage your API activity.
How can I keep up with changes to the TrackVia API?
How do I enable API Access?
It’s easy, just visit your “API Access” page and you can create an API Key and Access Tokens there. Once you have your key, visit our developer website for documentation and code samples.
How do I keep from running into the rate limit?
We recommend that you cache API responses in your application or on your site if you expect high-volume usage. For example, don't try to call the TrackVia API on every page load of your hugely popular website. Instead, call our API once a minute and save the response to your local server, displaying your cached version on your site.
Request only what you need, and only when you need it.
For example, frequent polling of the REST API looking for new data is inefficient for both your application, and the TrackVia API.
Is the TrackVia API down? Where can I find information about platform health?
The system status page should be the first place you check for this information. There you will find information about service-wide issues.
What am I doing wrong?
Troubleshooting with the API is usually done with these steps:
- Examine the HTTP response closely: the status code you received back, the message that accompanies that code, and the response body itself -- the response body usually contains the most specific information about the nature of an error.
- If the response body doesn't help identify the problem, check the TrackVia status page to see if there are any known issues with the API at that time.
- Ask your account authority if they have received an email saying that your account has exceeded its rate limit.
- If you are still seeing problems send a message to the community forum where TrackVia Employees and Community Developers can try and help you. Make sure you include the language you are using, the request that's failing, and the response (including headers) that you get back. The more information you provide the quicker somebody can help you out.
What does HTTP status code 0 mean?
If you're making requests to the TrackVia platform and receive an HTTP status code "0", it means that the request never made it to our servers. Investigate whether your HTTP library, programming language, system environment, network and/or proxies are configured to allow traffic over HTTP and HTTPS to the endpoints you will be using.
Why am I getting an HTTP 404 for my calls?
If you're requesting a URL that used to work but now does not, you are likely using an outdated or incorrect URL that has been retired.
We also use a 404 response for times when you’re querying for an object that doesn’t exist. For example, if you wanted to see the records for view 34, but view 34 doesn’t exist.
Why do my image uploads fail?
The image update methods require multipart form data. They do not accept a URL to an image nor do they accept the raw image bytes. They instead require the data to be delivered in the form of a file upload field.
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